19 Şubat 2013 Salı

Treehugger Kleiner Goes Corporate With LVEDC

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Photo stolen from Michael Molovinsky
Not all that long ago, Andrew Kleiner was a blogger who spent all of his time in Allentown's parks, where he'd write about ponds and stuff. Michael Molovinsky and he used to have lengthy online discussions about riparian buffers and bog turtles. Well, Andrew has gone corporate baby. He's sold out to Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp. as a part-time land recycling assistant of the Lehigh Valley Land Recycling Initiative.

The funny thing is he doesn't even golf.

All kidding aside, Andrew is a very nice and sincere young man and deserves this opportunity. It is a credit to LVEDC CEO Don Cunningham to have hired him. He was gonna' hire Michael Molovinsky, but I talked him out of it.

Andrew will now support outreach and marketing efforts for brownfield redevelopment and maintain files on contractors available for assessment and remediation projects and report progress on LVLRI initiatives to various committees.

Kleiner has most recently served as a field biologist for the Acopian Center for Ornithology at Muhlenberg College and as a senior laboratory researcher of environmental chemistry and toxicology for the departments of chemistry and environmental sciences at Muhlenberg College. His related experience includes an appointment to the City of Allentown Environmental Advisory Council and work as an environmental educator and community organizer in Allentown. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from Muhlenberg College and resides in Allentown.

LVLRI focuses on improving the economy and the environment by promoting the remediation of old industrial properties throughout the Lehigh Valley.

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