7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

The Transfiguration of Ed Pawlowski

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This post was going to be entitled the Transformation of Allentown, but I think the new title is more appropriate. Last week, in the State of the City Address, Mayor for Life Ed Pawlowski once again touted the Transformation. Although the long term benefit of the arena project remains to be seen, light has surely been emitting from our unchallenged leader. His press agents, Scott Kraus and Matt Assad of The Morning Call, paste up the Transformation Gospel on a regular basis. Scrutiny of the project rests mostly with this blog. Last week, Precious Petty of The Express Times, did quote Jeanette Eichenwald's doubts about some aspects of the arena project. Perhaps Pawlowski's richest statement last week was that arena project involved collective sacrifice. I doubt if he was referring to the displaced merchants, or the children who will not be receiving insurance benefits from the CHIP program this year, because the cigarette tax is being used for Reilly's debt service.

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