19 Şubat 2013 Salı

Hanover Township Supervisors Have a Vision

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Holly Edinger
A vision visited Hanover Township Supervisors at their February 12 meeting. It appeared in the form of Holly Edinger, Director of Sustainable Development at Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp. (LVEDC).

What will the Lehigh Valley be like twenty years from now? Will there still be working farms? Will housing be affordable? How long will it take to get to work? What kind of jobs will be available? These and other questions are the question being asked by Edinger for Envision Lehigh Valley, a public outreach effort designed to engage the citizens of the Lehigh Valley to create a truly sustainable Lehigh Valley.

In 2012, Envision Lehigh Valley hosted 30 public meetings, seeking input from the public. Edinger briefed p Supervisors about the program. One of the goal is to create highly livable neighborhoods throughout the Lehigh Valley, where residents can live, work, shop and play without the use of a car. Even in suburbs like Hanover Township.

Mark Tanczos and Glenn Walbert receive a vision
In other business Hanover Supervisors were briefed on the cost of handling a 5" snowstorm like the one that hit on February 8. A storm like that, which required only one application of salt, cost the Township nearly $11,500. About 1/3 of that was the cost of salt. Another $1,100 paid for fuel. The rest is labor for the 15-man crew. This crew includes Township Manager Jay Finnigan and Public Works Director Vince Milite. A 16th person, Supervisor John Diacogiannis, rode shotgun on one of the plows. He called it a "most enjoyable night," and complimented the crew for an "outstanding job" while everyone else is asleep.

Supervisors also signed off on a reduced assessment for property owned by Hanover Glen. Originally intended as condos, the developer is renting out the property as apartment dwellings. "If he sells just one unit, the assessment ges back to what it was before," noted Solicitor James Broughal. "We don't see any downside to it."

Supervisors also re-appointed Danielle McFadden and Joan Rosenthal as co-coordinators to the Township's Crime Watch program. McFadden told Supervisors they will educate residents about the dangers presented by Facebook and other social media outlets.

Supervisors will meet again on February 26, 7 PM, at the Municipal Building, located at 3630 Jacksonville Rd.

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