But the paper has gone too far. Instead of Pope, the Vatican intends to declare Reilly a living saint.
The Morning Call's puff piece is Reilly's beatification, but you also need two miracles.
The first is turning state tax revenue into bricks and mortar buildings with no financial risk. Water into wine, sales tax into office space. Amazing.
The Vatican has appointed a Devil's Advocate, dour and misguided Michael Molovinsky. He's calling it alchemy.
The second miracle is turning cigarettes into buildings. JB's right up there with JC.
The third will be turning Allentown's downtown from ethnically diverse to lilly white.
Next thing you know he'll be taking credit for "resurrecting" dead cities. But that would be "Saint Edwin." his wife has already nominated him for sainthood ... and Governor.
There is a fly in the ointment. According to some scurrilous anonymous comment to the Morning Call story, Reilly was buying property in the NIZ before the law was passed. Here's what "IHAVEagirl" says:
"Reilly said he had no discussions with Browne about the law before it was passed and played no role in moving the NIZ downtown" BUUULL! "But records show he didn't buy his first new property until March 2011 — three months after the new downtown NIZ map was adopted, and a week after the city publicly announced it was shifting the arena downtown." EVEN MORE BUUULL!. on December/2009 a sales agreement was already in place on a property on Hamilton st. ...CONTINGENT- that the Arena gets built there. "what Arena?" ask everyone, at the time."
I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
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