14 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Molovinsky on Reillyville

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MM is the one not smiling
I'm a miserable bastard. Let me give you an example. Before last Thursday's Northampton County Council meeting, I spread out a ruck sack full of pens, cameras, notebooks and, of course, coffee. It was all over the floor as well as the seat next to me. Controller Steve Barron tried to negotiate his way through that obstacle course to meet some Democratic Council candidates and try to impress them. But on the way, he very nearly tripped.

"I don't want to fall on my fat ass," he said. "Imagine the picture."

I admonished him about his poor self-esteem.

"Steve, don't disparage yourself like that. Let me do it."

I do a much better job.

Last week, I even sent a few real nasty emails to a young man suffering from an incurable disease.

That's how I roll.

Even when I write puff pieces, I do it mostly because I know it will piss off the anonymous trolls.

But I'm much nicer than Allentown blogger Michael Molovinsky. He's miffed that The Morning Call's recent, 40,000 word, story about J.B. Reilly, fails to mention his critical blog by name.

Silly blogger, that would be journalism. Reporters Matt Assad and Scott Kraus are obviously auditioning for Lehigh Valley Style Magazine. At least that's what one of my friends thinks. "The only thing missing were pictures of Reilly and his wife sitting at home in front of the fireplace with the golden retrievers and the Christmas tree in the corner. This was a PR masterpiece masquerading as journalism."

I hope they like it at Lehigh Valley Style.

I hear they have Summer hours.

Blogger's Note: I was able to take shots at Barron, J.B. Reilly, Molovinsky, a cripple, two Morning Call reporters, LV Style Magazine and the LVEDC, all in one little ditty. I think that's a record.

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