4 Kasım 2012 Pazar

No Opposition Tolerated

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Pawlowski has his way with City Council. Six of the seven members can't say yes fast or loud enough about selling our water system. Never the less, he resents the one dissenter, Jeanette Eichenwald. When she pointed out that the expert witnesses were only from communities happy with their private water companies, and none from the less delighted and actually unhappy, Pawlowski made a barely audible snide snark* at her. It was personal enough that she said that remark was uncalled for, and to his credit, Julio Guridy supported Eicenwald's protest. Later in the evening, Pawlowski accused Eicenwald of being against the privatization from the beginning of the process. Imagine a City Council member having the audacity to be against a mayor's proposal. Pawlowski's indignation shows how ineffectual City Council has become.

*If possible, this post will be updated with  Pawlowski's actual insult.

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