16 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Obama Ahead in Popular Vote, Too

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It's hardly a mandate. Neither President Barack Obama nor challenger Mitt Romney were particularly appealing candidates. But it appears that, in addition to gaining enough electoral votes to win, Obama has squeaked by in the popular vote, too. According to the latest from HuffPo, he is ahead of Romney by about 13,000 votes nationwide.

I admire both men, who were much more classy than their supporters. Both were able to rise above the political rhetoric, if only for a moment, to congratulate each other on spirited campaigns.

Whether the rest of us can do this remains to be seen.

We tend to forget that, no matter what political label we wear, we are all Americans. We need to listen to each other more and shout at each other less.

“The strategy of obstruction, gridlock and delay was soundly rejected by the American people. Now they are looking to us for solutions.”

Those are the words of Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, who just happens to be a Mormon.

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