19 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi
The Mayors of Lehigh Valley
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What can one say about these Three Stooges? Bethlehem's mayor John Callahan wants to enact an Amusement Tax. Vision Entertainment Group, which operates the Sands Event Center chose Bethlehem specifically because they didn't have such a tax. In reality, Johnny Callahan already has the ultimate Amusement Tax; This year Bethlehem received over $9 million dollars as their share of the Sands Casino pot. This windfall represents over 14% of the budget, but Johnny wants more. Easton's visionary, Sal Panto, now wants to increase their parking meters to a buck an hour. This is what other destinations, like San Francisco and Miami Beach charge, why not Easton? Sal admits, "Once it is in the budget, it is hard to get rid of." They already have an Amusement Tax. State Theater director Shelly Brown says "The tax adds a challenge." Well Shelly, here comes another one. Last, but not least, Ed Pawlowski thinks that the taxpayers should pay more for their air and water. In an incomprehensible arrangement with a private Trash To Energy & Cash Company, Allentown's trash and sewage will be combined into pellets from hell, and burnt. The technology, or lack of it, is opposed by environmentalists. The plant may also import trash from New York and New Jersey, for more fuel. Our water also will be sold to a preferred bidder. Let us hope he doesn't decide to harvest body parts.

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