12 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

We'll Have No Democracy in Allentown

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I'm one of those bastards who generally dislikes initiative and referendum, i.e. the procedure under which we directly decide issues that we've already elected others to do. Emotion tends to trump facts. Mobocracy prevails. But this assumes that we already have an elected government. That's not the case in Allentown. Three of its seven City Council members are appointees. The other four were installed by about 12% of the City's registered voters. It's no democracy, but is instead an urban growth regime in which Mayor Edwin Pawlowski and NIZ developer J.B. Reilly have co-opted each other. Now, one of the King's Men, Julio "I speak three languages" Guridy, is doing his best to make sure that Allentown's people stay out of the way as Hizzoner robs the City of one of its most precious assets - its water.

A group of five Allentown residents have formed a committee designed to give the voters a say in the lease of the Queen City's water and sewer. But blogger Michael Molovinsky, in a pre-Hurricane Snooki posting, warns us that Julio wants every petition circulator to register with the City. Never mind that nothing in the City's Home Rule Charter requires this.  Pawlowski wants to reduce the number of circulators at the polls on Election Day.

Colin McEvoy has more details at The Express Times. Guridy is terrified that "special interests" from outside of Allentown will come in and try to take over the City.

But that's already happened. A peek at your campaign finance reports, as well as Pawlowski's, makes that abundantly clear.

Don't get Snookied.

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