20 Kasım 2012 Salı

The Guy I Cut Off in the Voting Line

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A local nurse, who also maintains a blog to hone her writing skills, tells this heartwarming story from election night.
The day of voting, I went after a long day in class/work/orientation. I stood in line like many across the country did that day, and in front of me was an elderly gentleman. I noticed this man was on supplemental oxygen and was alone. He managed to either drive or get dropped off, but regardless made the effort to participate in the election. He then walked all the way into the polling center, and waited in line like the rest of us. What I was pleased to see was that other people in line (this was all happening ahead of me- the gentleman had gotten there before me), but the other people in line in front of him, all let him go before them. They also went and got a chair for him to sit in not only while he waited but during the process of actually casting his vote. Other people helped him carry his oxygen machine. The poll director helped him back down the stairs and to his car.
I'm pretty sure this is the guy I beat to the line by kicking his oxygen tank.

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