One of these naysayers is a regular contributor to this blog. He goes by the moniker VOR, i.e. Voice of Reason. He posted a comment yesterday, and I have to share it with one and all, especially since many readers stay away from the comments.
As a basic human need, water service should be a responsibility of governments. Transfer of control to a private entity that seeks to maximize profits reduces public accountability and can adversely affect the quality and equity of service.
* Water privatization can negatively impact low-income and underserved communities by unfair rate increases and poor service to these communities.
* Water privatization may lead to lower quality service and higher rates. In cases where communities have tried to reclaim their water systems from private entities, poor water quality, unresponsiveness to customer complaints, and rate hikes have been the most frequent complaints.
* Private multinational companies don't have a stake in the community in which they operate. This can have negative effects on small communities when it results in firing city employees and hiring new staff or significantly cutting benefits to long-time employees.
* Many privatization agreements fail to include adequate public participation. In addition, many of these contracts do not include enough provisions for contract monitoring and accountability.
* Many privatization efforts ignore the impact on local ecosystems and downstream water users, and may have long-term negative effects on the environment.
* Private companies, which stand to make more money for the sale of more water, may neglect the potential for water use efficiency and conservation improvements.
Think Allentown, THINK!
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