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The photograph above harks back to 1952, when Allentown had it's priorities straight. In 1954, the new East Side Fire Station was completed. Now demolished, the East Side waits for it's replacement, along with other things. Dennis Pearson explains it well.
One year ago the East Side Fire Station closed and we are still counting the days before it is rebuilt but not holding our breath for if we hold our breath too long we would need an undertaker rather then a Paramedic or fireman. How long will it take for us to feel safe... And you know what none of our elected city councilman and woman and appointed councilman and women have ranted and raved over this issue.... Two signs have been placed on fence guarding the empty lot of the former fire station to tell the story. Happy 250th year Allentown but the East Side has an issue that needs to be resolved. And also, there have been road work signs on Hanover Avenue the past two weeks ,,, We ask is the work being performed by ghosts for we certainly see no work being performed. Dennis Pearson
In addition to the East Side being neglected and endangered, the South Side is isolated because of the 15th Street Bridge Project. That work is being done at a casual pace, inappropriate for the hardship it is creating. Schreibers stone arch bridge has been severely damaged once again, from endless two way traffic with no monitoring. While the
Transformational Hockey Arena receives most of the Mayor's attention, other problems are given band-aids. Opposition to selling one of our few remaining assets, the water system, rests with a few individuals and a couple of blogs. The share-owners in this city, the taxpaying property owners, need to assert themselves through their neighborhood crime groups. The perpetrator now is City Hall.
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