11 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

The Romney I Never Knew

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Let me tell you a bit about my flawed thinking. Before I can vote or support a candidate, I have to like him. His positions matter, too, but I first have to feel some kind of connection. And in the case of Mitt Romney, it hasn't been there. Aloof though he may be, I feel closer to Obama than some ascotted rich dude who just stepped off his corporate jet.

But do I have Romney wrong? According to BuzzFeed Politics, he's a much more likable person during "off the record" discussions.
With the cameras off and the journalists' notepads a safe distance from their pens, Romney candidly answered questions about his speech preparation, the impact his father's career had on him, and his Massachusetts gubernatorial record. He seemed, reporters said later, like a different person: funnier, more intellectually honest, comfortably dorky, and even prone to introspection.
Amazingly, this is the Romney being shielded from public view.

Maybe his handlers should rethink that position.

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