Let me explain. LVEDC, like faux grass roots group RenewLV and Alan Jennings' CACLV, is a creature of the Lehigh Valley Partnership. That's an aging collection of rich white guys who think they run the Lehigh Valley, and maybe they do. LVEDC, RenewLV and CACLV are three fronts for the Partnership, just like a pizza shop can be a front for the mob.
On Tuesday, five Partnership bluebloods got together and decided that LVEDC needs to endorse the NIZ. After all, what's good for Allentown is good for the Lehigh Valley.
Even if it isn't.
After getting its marching orders, LVEDC prostrated itself before an unelected aristocracy yet again. Who knows? Maybe Alan Jennings will write yet another op-ed claiming he "walks the walk."
Secretive as always, LVEDC declines to reveal its exact vote, but Chair Don Bernhard huffs that it was not close. Then he went off to play golf.
Summer hours, you know.
Well, I have the numbers.
The vote was 14-2 in support of the NIZ. But the two No votes come from pretty powerful people.
One of the Nos comes from Richard Thulin, who is slated to take over as LVEDC's Chair next year.
The other No vote?
Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan.
I'm sorry, but if the Mayor of the Lehigh Valley's most successful city has concerns, this bullshit endorsement is meaningless.
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