Shown above are former customers with a former merchant, in a former store, in a former building on Hamilton Street. They are all gone now, replaced by a hole and lawsuits. When I first starting blogging about the arena, over a year ago, there wasn't too much interest. I wrote about fairness, level playing fields and the years those merchants had invested in Hamilton Street. They pleaded to no avail with the Administration and City Council; They even had a meeting with Pat Browne. They are an industrious people, and landed on their feet. I cannot say the same for Allentown. If it was greed or arrogance, apparently the Reilly/Pawlowski/Browne cartel reached for a little too much. Townships have joined townships defending their tax-base against the EIT grab. Developers outside of the NIZ will now also legally assert themselves to remain competitive. As Pennsylvania cuts back on services, local representatives will have to explain their vote for HOCKEY-GATE. As the bonds are delayed, if not cancelled, a local banker and bank will have to hope for repayment. J.B. Reilly is now sitting on a square block of inter-city apartments, not the clientele he envisioned. One thing is for certain, if the project gets back on track, the pot will not be as sweet as the big boys hoped, nor should it.
April 16, 2011 Involuntary Conversion
April 19, 2011 Late, and Maybe Wrong
April 19, 2011 Hailstorm at City Hall
May13, 2011 Hardball for Hockey
May 17,2011 A Quick Learner
May 18.2011 Another Day, Another Battle
May 19,2011 The Night Hamilton Street Died
May 21,2011 Pawlowski's Sham
May 24,2011 A Better Arena Site
May 27,2011 Exaggerating the Arena
May 30,2011 Stealing Allentown's Treasures
More Hockey Arena Posts from the molovinsky on allentown archives will be added later in the week
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