8 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi
Guns and Ammo
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Yesterday, both Bernie O'Hare and I had posts about the shooting in South Bethlehem. Also yesterday, Paul Carpenter had a column on the same occurrence. Carpenter gave Morganelli credit for his courage using the term Culture concerning the shootout, but then batted the topic back and forth so much that he drew no conclusion. Carpenter wondered if Culture referred to young Hispanic males? Morganelli said no, just young in general. I think that Morganelli's Culture referred to young males in a lower social economic demographic, and assorted wannabes, exploring hipness. An extended comment section on O'Hare's blog revealed another culture, which I call Guns and Ammo. That's a reference to a popular magazine specializing on both those items. These are the 2nd Amendment advocates, the NRA members, and assorted gun right advocates. In that world when it comes to bullet caliber, bigger is much better. They have successfully lobbied for the right to carry in most states. The gun industry has responded with a large assortment of small light weight guns, designed for concealable carry, in high calibers. One middle class, self described liberal, anonymously stated that he carries a 45. Although he may feel that this caliber is necessary, and although he may be well trained in it's use, an unintended consequence is millions of lightweight, high caliber weapons in the hands of untrained, undisciplined people, with a chip on their shoulder and a hot head. Thirty high caliber shots were fired last weekend in the South Bethlehem gun battle.

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