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At 3:53 this morning, the following comment was sent to
Arena Shenanigan Continues, the previous post.
I know you will never allow this to post. But I know you will read it. You are a grumpy old man that doesn't even live in the city of Allentown. And hates everything that is new a growing I am sure you did not attend the party tonight. There were over 500 people who showed up. Write a post about that. Allentown is progressing while you attempt to drag it down. I hope that everything in South Whitehall was comfortable for you. Asshole!
For a hockey arena which wants to attract people from out of town, and wanted to also tax them for it's construction, don't squander your remaining brain cells worrying about where I live. I do not attempt to drag allentown down, but rather have it spend it's resources in the most productive way. The arena will certainly not
Transform Allentown; Neither will it produce the spinoff benefit subscribed to it. Pawlowski is simply making the same mistake as his predecessors, but on a much more expensive scale. Daddona built the canopies at a huge expense. Heydt torn them down, and continuously reconfigured the parking, at a huge expense. While this concentration of resources was centered on Hamilton Street, the rest of Allentown suffered from neglect. The notion that Hamilton Street is the center of Allentown, and that Allentown is the center of Lehigh Valley, is a slogan, not a fact. While we obsess on building a new American Parkway bridge to bring people to center city, we allowed our other bridges to decay. While you danced on top of a parking deck, this Administration wants to close two neighborhood pools. In addition to an Arena Authority, and at least one administrative position, this project will kept Allentown myopically focused on center city for decades to come. That current hole will soon become a money pit of epic proportion. In a city of over 100,000 people, vocal opposition to any $220 million dollar project should center on more than a couple of bloggers, who are insulted in the middle of the night for their efforts.
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